Getting the Most Mileage Out of Your Clothes

When it comes to fast fashion, there are few benefits for you or our planet. Although these clothes may be affordable and on-trend with high-end fashion retailers, they are cheaply made and eventually contribute to a significant amount of waste in landfills around the globe.

While we all want to dress in a way to express our personalities, there is a global price to pay when you choose to shop at fast-fashion retailers—and that price is contributing to more carbon emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste.

At Safeguard Self Storage in Brooklyn, NY, we all want to do our best for the planet while expressing our individuality, which is why we wanted to take a closer look at how you can get the most out of a fashionable wardrobe without impacting the environment.

Why Is Fast Fashion Bad?

It's hard to resist the latest trends when you can buy three affordable versions at a fast-fashion retailer. And, while it can be fun to invest in easily accessible, trendy clothes for a diverse wardrobe, that joy wears off quickly due to changing trends or items falling apart from poor craftsmanship. Speaking of changing trends: as styles change with the times, fast fashion houses are forced into manufacturing new articles of clothing to keep up, which contributes to significant global carbon emissions.

Cheap materials quickly wear out. Once those new jeans fade or lose their shape, you move on. Think about the expense of stuffing your closets with fast fashion. Replacement costs add up, and replaced items end up in a landfill if they are not disposed of properly or donated. Remember, quality lasts, and that's better for your long-term budget and the health of our planet.

Stop Before You Toss

It may seem easy to throw out inexpensive items, but make sure to stop before you toss. Remember that fabric decomposing in landfills emits toxic greenhouse gases, and clothes are always better off being donated. If an item is torn or damaged, sew it up yourself or support a local business that offers mending services.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

Invest in your wardrobe and our planet by making quality clothing purchases, even if they have a higher up-front cost. These items will be wearable and durable for years to come and can be easily mended if damage occurs.

Additionally, try to source ethical, trustworthy clothing companies that work hard to reduce carbon emissions and treat their employees fairly. And always follow the recommended care instructions to ensure your washing machine doesn’t harm them.

How Clothing Storage Can Help

Rather than tossing out or donating the clothes you already own, you can make room in your closet for high-quality items by adding additional storage space with Safeguard. With our wide selection of climate controlled self storage units, you can keep the items you’ve already purchased out of landfills, save space at home, and come back to them whenever you desire.

When you organize clothes for self storage, you can also clear up cluttered home storage spaces and donate things you don't want to keep. In addition, you can monetize extra items by selling them to a used clothing dealer near you. The idea is to give old clothes a new life instead of throwing them away, allowing you to transition from fast fashion to a wardrobe that lasts—and that's good for you and the planet.

Store Extra Clothes at a Safeguard Facility Near You

Safeguard Self Storage can help you protect our environment by giving you affordable storage solutions that always fit. We offer climate-controlled clothing storage in Brooklyn in a variety of sizes (including units the size of a standard closet), and our leasing options are flexible, too. You want the best clothing storage available, and Safeguard is here to help. Call us today to rent a unit or reserve a space online!

Changing Your Style: How to Build a New Wardrobe

You might be changing jobs or relocating to a different climate. Perhaps you're just ready for a personal fashion evolution. You've made up your mind to upgrade your style with a new wardrobe. Keep the transition seamless with clean closets, smart shopping, and climate-controlled clothing storage at Safeguard in the design district of Miami, FL.

Make Room for Changing Styles

Turn your wardrobe update into motivation for reclaiming lost closet space. It's time to move out the old and make room for the new. Go through everything. Clear shelves, clean out racks, and dig through closet corners.

Sort through your clothes, shoes, and accessories. Set aside things you're not sure about, and plan on moving them to a storage unit. Be honest about what should go and what can stay. Box up items you don't want to keep. Donate them to a local charity or flip them for cash at your next garage sale.

Divide your newly liberated clothing storage space into zones. Use different areas to arrange clothes for work, workouts, downtime, and special occasions. The goal is a perfectly organized closet ready for your incoming wardrobe.

Think Through New Wardrobe Decisions

Impulse buying is always fun, but it's not always a good long-term strategy. Aim for a balance between items you've decided to keep and things you want to add to your wardrobe.

When you're shopping for new clothes, ask yourself these questions before you buy.
• Does an expensive price tag mean it's really a good investment?
• Are you comfortable with the quality of items on sale?
• Is this new thing a basic that you just can't live without?
• Does it work with the clothes you've decided to keep?
• Are you happy with the materials, fit and color?

When the answers are yes, buy with a smile, but save receipts. If anything inspires belated buyer's remorse, you'll be ready to return it and save room in your beautifully organized closet.

Store Clothes Like a Fashion Pro

Everyone can use extra clothing storage space, especially after building a new wardrobe. Use your fashion sense and these tips to take care of old and new items in a climate-controlled storage unit.
• Make sure everything is fresh and clean before packing.
• Blanket folded items in storage bins with breathable muslin covers.
• Stuff shoe puffs or sock rolls into shoes and boots.
• Hang expensive clothes on padded hangers inside garment bags.
• Use wheeled racks for quick access to heavy outerwear.

We Keep It Easy and Manageable

Fresh fashion changes make you look and feel brand new. Keep them easy and manageable with our convenient clothing storage solutions. You can count on Safeguard Self Storage in the design district of Miami, FL, for affordable storage units that fit every wardrobe change.

What to Do When You're Limited on Closet Space

In a perfect world, every room in your home would feature at least one walk-in closet. In reality, you do the best with what you have. We offer 10 space-expanding hacks for conquering limited wardrobe capacity. From shoe ladders to close-by self storage, these ideas are great for broadening small closet horizons in Elizabeth, NJ.

Storage Solutions for Small Closets

1. Double Up on Racks: Double closet space by installing two rods across the same area. Hang tops on the upper rack, and use the lower rack for skirts and pants.

2. Put Drawers in the Closet: Cloth pull-out bins come in a variety of sizes. Mount the soft-sided drawers in vertical rows from closet floor to ceiling.

3. Snap in Shoe Racks: Use tension rods to get shoes off the floor. A pair of parallel rods a few inches apart creates an airy rack for your favorite flats.

4. Store on the Door: Turn the closet door into a storage space with a hanging shoe organizer. Fill the clear plastic pouches with purses, scarves and caps.

5. Show Off Your Shoes: Move outside the closet with a shoe ladder against an empty wall. Keep your prettiest footwear on display and ready to go.

6. Hook Up Empty Corners: Every room has four, so notch up extra space for hanging things by mounting wall hooks in empty corners. Valet rods work well too.

7. Rack Up on Wheels: Freestanding wheeled clothes racks become mini storage units outside the closet. They're never in the way because you can rearrange them with just a push.

8. Go Retro With an Armoire: Scout second-hand shops for an armoire that serves as an extra closet with benefits. Many of these clothing cabinets feature built-in shelf storage.

9. Slide Under the Bed: Roll-out trays are ideal for under-the-bed shoe storage. Use pretty wicker baskets under taller beds for everything from purses to hats.

10. Liberate Space with Self Storage: Move seasonal things to a small storage unit, or go wild. Spoil yourself with something big enough to replace a dozen walk-in closets.

Explore Our Storage Solutions

It takes talent to make the most of limited space, and we know you can do it. Don't forget the easiest tip on the list. Stop by our Elizabeth, NJ self storage location, and explore our wide selection of liberating storage units. You can always count on Safeguard to help you conquer limited space.

Self Storage for Fashion Connoisseurs

A rack filled with a variety of clothing items

It's so much fun to be a fashion connoisseur here in the Bronx. Between indie boutiques and all the stores at Bay Plaza, you never run out of places to browse and things to buy. It seems so unfair that you run out of room for keeping it all. Save your crowded closet from becoming a burden on your clothing collecting hobby with smart self storage in East Tremont, NY.

Give Fabrics Fresh Air

Some of your clothes are classics that you'll keep forever. Other things are just for fun, strictly for work, or even candidates for resale. Mix it all up with seasonal favorites, and your closet becomes a small space stuffed with fabrics that need fresh air. Clothes squeezed into a closet easily develop mold and mildew. One tiny, overlooked damp spot can ruin a collection and turn your curated wardrobe into a pile of throwaways. Climate-controlled storage units give fabrics room to breathe and give you space to expand your fashion sense.

Fold, Protect, and Preserve

Before setting favorite fashions free in self storage, make sure everything is clean. Don't cover items with any type of plastic material or dry-cleaning bags. Treat your clothes with special style by following these simple tips.

  • Use acid-free tissue paper to minimize creases in folded items.
  • Loosely stack folded clothes in storage bins blanketed with protective covers.
  • Protect leather and furs on padded hangers inside ventilated garment bags.
  • Preserve shoe and boot shapes by stuffing footwear with rolled-up socks or shoe puffs.

Store Like a Fashion Pro

Your unit can operate like a runway backstage when you know how to store like a pro. These tricks keep your couture easy to access and ready to wear.

  • Use padded hangers to store leather and furs on wheeled wardrobe racks.
  • Elevate vintage fabrics in acid-free archival boxes stacked on tiered shelves.
  • Arrange shelving several feet away from walls for double-sided reach.
  • Quickly find anything by labeling garment bags, storage bins and archival boxes.
  • Leave pathways between shelves and racks for easy access and fresh air circulation.

Never Run Out of Closet Space

When friends wonder how you manage a wardrobe that's always daring and different, share your storage secrets. We have room for every fashion guru’s collection with climate-controlled storage units at our East Tremont, NY location and self storage facilities all across the Bronx. Here at Safeguard, we make sure you never run out of closet space.

Storing Summer Clothes for the Winter Season

Cooler weather is finally here. It's time to put away your summer sun dresses and get out those boots and sweaters. If you live in Bronx, NY, finding room to store your seasonal wardrobe can be a challenge. Extra household space is a luxury that you may not have. Fortunately, you have a great storage option outside of your small home or apartment. Simply contact the nearest residential and business storage facility in your area, and rent a self storage unit to hold your summer treasures safely while you ride out the winter. To ensure that your shorts and bikinis are in top shape when you're ready to retrieve them, here are a few tips from Safeguard Self Storage for storing summer clothes. 

Essential Summer Wardrobe Storage Tips

  • Browse through your summer wardrobe, and remove items you never wear. If you didn't wear it this past summer, you probably won't wear it again. Donate these items, or offer them to family members. Don't force them to take up room in your tiny Bronx, NY space.
  • Organize your clothing by type and then by fabric, so you'll be able to store them properly and find them quickly later.
  • Before storing any item of clothing, wash and dry it thoroughly. Even if you’ve only worn it for a few minutes, residue from body oil, sunscreen, deodorant and colognes can degrade the fabric after the item has been stored for several months.
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners and starch products on your clothes before storing them.
  • If you're using wardrobe boxes, hang garments on well-shaped hangers. Heavy fabrics that tend to droop or stretch and light, delicate items that become misshapen easily should be folded neatly instead of hung.
  • Don't store your clothing in nylon or plastic bags. It encourages mildew growth and can cause yellowing of fabrics. If you need extra protection, use a garment bag, or drape a cotton sheet over vulnerable items.
  • To protect delicate folded items, place them inside a cotton pillow case.
  • Avoid using moth balls to keep insects away. The smell can be difficult to remove and may even be toxic. Try cedar chips or lavender blocks instead.
  • Be sure to remove dirt and smudges from your sandals, flip-flops and sneakers before storing them.

Climate-Controlled Bronx, NY, Home and Business Storage

To keep your clothes fresh and intact, consider renting a climate controlled self storage unit for winter and summer storage. With around-the-clock control of temperature and humidity levels, you'll never have to worry about extreme cold or heat damaging synthetic fabrics, and you won't find disgusting mold or mildew on your favorite sun dress. Check local rates today, and keep your seasonal clothing changeovers easy and affordable.  

How Do I Store My Seasonal Clothing?

 Summer's over, and you don't need your bathing suit or shorts any longer. However, your closets and drawers are overflowing. It’s probably time to clean out your spring and summer wardrobe and put them into a self storage unit. This is an excellent way to solve your clutter problems. Before putting your clothing in self storage you’ll want to make sure they are properly prepared for their winter hiatus. Simply follow these self storage tips to keep your clothes smelling fresh after six months:

Clean First

Before you start packing your clothes, thoroughly wash, dry and neatly fold them. Any food particles or stains will grow worse over time. Some chemicals will even bleach the color right out of the fabric, and oily residue from your skin will give your clothes that musty odor. If you need to dry-clean your clothes, keep them in the garment bags to add additional protection while in your self storage unit.

Storage Containers

Nice clothing should be placed in wardrobe boxes to keep them neat and clean. For your regular clothing you can use smaller boxes or plastic containers. Be sure to label your storage boxes so you can easily identify what items are in what box. Also, if you plan to retrieve some items before other leave them in the front of the storage unit for easy access.

Choosing a Storage Facility

Basic self storage is great for storing durable furniture and appliances, but delicate items like clothes, books, and electronics won't last in humid locations. Temperatures above 80 degrees or below 32 degrees can actually damage clothing fibers and darken stains, but cold temperatures will cause water to condense, which can also damage your property. You will want to select a facility that offers climate controlled storage.

To safely store your seasonal clothing, call safeguard self storage. We offer numerous climate controlled storage solutions for all your seasonal clothes. You can rent as little or as much storage space as need for your items in a secure self store facility, and you'll never need to worry about running out of room again. You took a lot of time, effort and money to purchase your wardrobe; it deserves a temporary home like safeguard self storage. Don’t Just Store It. Safeguard It!