Dog Days: Don't Miss the Chicago Hot Dog Festival This Month

Close-up photo of hot dogs cooking on a grill.

On the first weekend of August, Second City backyard chefs liberate their favorite grilling gear. Storage units across Chicago fly open as frankfurter fans get ready to celebrate our delicious Hot Dog Festival. Here's a tasty overview of the annual event that inspires so much mouthwatering fun.

History Starts at the Museum

Our wonderful Chicago History Museum holds more than 22 million artifacts and documents that chronicle local and national history. Our irresistible Chicago hot dogs trace their flavorful heritage back to hearty locals braving the Depression. The institution and the meal are revered across the city, so it seemed natural four years ago to celebrate them both with an outdoor party at Lincoln Park. Since then, the Chicago Hot Dog Festival has continued to grow and benefit the Museum's ongoing good works.

Ketchup Stops at the Fries

An authentic Chicago-style hot dog wears a bright yellow mustard coat. Some friendly debates try to put ketchup on top of everything, but purists know better. That all-beef frank belongs in a poppy seed bun that looks like it’s been dragged through the garden. Chopped onion, sliced tomato, sport peppers, pickle spears and relish give it a gloriously overloaded profile. This is a dog that deserves the works, and it delivers a satisfying snap with every bite. It's an original, and most natives here in Chi-Town savor the traditions that keep it a culinary classic.

Cooking Options Go Both Ways

Do you keep an heirloom Dutch oven in self-storage? Does your perfectly cured grill winter in your storage unit? The Chicago hot dog prefers a slow simmer, but it's become accustomed to a smoky barbecue. Originally, this street-perfect dish was prepared ahead of time and kept warm in vendors' steam carts. Today, the delicious dog plumps up with a 5 to 7 minute hot bath or gloriously grills in about the same amount of time. Depending on your preference, either technique produces an entree that lives up to its history and goes down best when shared with friends.

We tip our forks to everyone who supports our Chicago History Museum and annual Chicago Hot Dog Festival. If you need a little extra space for organizing your own yummy celebration this year, check out Safeguard Self Storage options for Chicago, IL backyard chefs. We keep your grilling gear in great shape all year-round.

Join the World Movement on World Environment Day

In mid-June, Chicago hosts the Green Music Fest, an environmentally conscious festival that features green vendors, food and biodiesel bicycles. You'll also discover Remix Chicago, a festival of repurposed crafts and eco-friendly workshops. However, you don't have to wait until these events to go green in Chicago, IL. In fact, you can get started right away and help protect the environment even in the big city. Safeguard Self Storage has all the tips on going green!

Make a Difference on World Environment Day

World Environment Day happens annually on June 5 and raises awareness for protecting the environment. It started in 1974 and has since gone global as more than 100 countries now celebrate this event. You don't have to join a flash mob or hand out pamphlets on the sidewalks to participate. No matter how small, you can do your part and still help the planet in a big way.

1. Reduce

Don't throw away unwanted tools, clothes, toys or other belongings. Instead, donate them to charity. You'll help others in need and reduce the amount of garbage in the landfills. Buying in bulk can also help reduce packaging and help you save money at the same time.

2. Reuse

Buy used items such as clothing, books and furniture at consignment shops and thrift stores. Used items are normally less expensive than new items and serve the same purpose. Repair your belongings instead of throwing them away. You can also borrow or rent items when you need them.

3. Recycle

You can recycle almost anything and help conserve natural resources such as wood and water. Recycling also reduces the amount of greenhouse emissions that occur when factories produce more goods. If you recycle your glass jars, plastic bottles and cardboard, you'll also reduce the amount of waste in the landfills.

Daily Tips for Going Green

  • Turn the lights off when you leave a room.
  • Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth.
  • Separate recyclable items from your trash bin.
  • Unplug electronics when they're not in use. 

Go Green This June in Chicago

You can make room in your home by reducing the clutter and either donating the items to charity or hosting a yard sale. As you collect more items, you can use one of the many storage units available at Safeguard Self Storage to organize everything in one place. In the end, you will have helped people in need, reduced excess waste in the landfills and created more space in your home.

Downsize and Declutter Your Chicago Home Before Selling It

Finding the right time to sell your Chicago, IL house can be overwhelming. But, there are tons of potential benefits to downsizing and finding a new place to call home. All that equity is tempting, and the right move could save miles off your commute. Make this next transition the smoothest one yet with the right plan and the right self storage unit to help you get from showing to closing.

Declutter With Purpose 

Don't look at surplus stuff as something that you have to haul off. Declutter with purpose by giving to one of Chicago's charitable organizations. Your gently used items will be appreciated, and you can often use the donation as a tax write-off. If you need a little help funding downsizing plans, turn high-end clutter into cash at a consignment shop. Weekend garage sales and online auctions are also great venues for converting extra stuff into extra pocket change.

Stage to Sell

Imagine looking at a South Loop condo with an eye to making it your new home. You picture favorite color schemes at play and start arranging every room. The prospective space appeals to you because it's been staged. Apply this simple, effective sales strategy to your home by packing away personal items like photos and keepsakes. Clean the house from top to bottom, flood each room with natural light, and create an environment that lets prospective buyers paint their own interiors inside your beautifully staged home.

Downsize and Store

Downsizing and self storage are perfect partners. Use the extra space for things that you don't want to donate or sell. When you start staging, stash sentimental items in your storage unit. Organize belongings that you don’t need now for easy retrieval when you’re ready to move into your new Chicago home. Climate-controlled units keep everything from personal records to electronics in good shape while you finalize relocation plans. It’s easy to take advantage of self-storage benefits with online tools that let you choose the perfect space, manage lease options and take care of payments with 24/7 convenience.

From Northside Lincoln Park to historic Bridgeport, homeowners are enjoying the upsides of downsizing. When you want to back your plans with space that fits, we have just what you need.
Safeguard Self Storage stands ready to help you make the move of a lifetime with convenient storage units all across Chicago and its suburbs.